
The labor shortage in the construction industry is a growing problem as fewer and fewer people enter the skilled trades. This means the impact of the shortage on safety, productivity, and construction costs are going to increase as the current workforce approaches retirement age.

Why should the workforce shortage matter to business owners?

Labor shortages lead to a strained workforce, which can cause over 15% on cost overrun and over 20% on schedule overrun. The push for workers to remain on time and on budget under these conditions has been proven to increase the rate of safety incidents by 50%, slowing progress even further.
The impact of the skilled labor shortages in recent years

What can CCDI do to help business owners?

By partnering with CCDI and our mission, we work with businesses to help create an environment where those interested in the construction industry can enter and be successful and retained. We will help our industry partners continue their efforts grow the local workforce by supplying the right training and mentorship to students, underrepresented and underemployed young adults in our community.
CCDI connects business owners with jobseekers by making them a part of the workforce development process. We offer business owners the opportunity to participate in our career fairs to meet with our CCDI participants one on one and find jobseekers that are training in their field.
We also invite business owners to accompany CCDI to events as guest speakers to help raise awareness and educate people on the job opportunities within the industry. In St. Louis, we partner students with businesses for summer internships. This gives businesses the chance to personally train prospective new employees.

For more on how to get involved or to see what the CCDI program is doing in your area, click below.

St. Louis Program

Chicago Program